Monday, June 25, 2007

Gardening of balconies

Gardening of balconies is the most simple and accessible way of an ornament of your dwelling. Beautifully framed and balconies are effectively allocated with greens and colors of a window on a background of walls and decorate buildings. Densely effuse plants on a balcony look not only is elegant, but thus also weaken street noise, partially absorbing a sound, I clear air of a soot and a dust, and in hot day will weaken a sunlight. Special charm is represented with the indoor plants which have been born in the summer on a balcony. For warm days of summer they turn to large bright copies, and with approach of colds transfer back to a room. Thus fresh air, a warm wind and solar beams is necessary to plants.

Growing up plants in boxes, it is possible to transform a balcony in green pergola, and before each window to create a tiny flower bed. Balcony boxes make from various materials: a tree, plastic, metal - a choice for you, the main thing they should be spacious enough. The recommended sizes: thickness 1,5 - 2 sm, height 15 - 20 sm, width not less than 20 see Choosing, remember, that in small boxes in length less than 1 m the ground on open air quickly dries up.

Flower boxes can be made their dry fur-tree or pine boards. At formation a box for greater durability on its internal corners put racks section 4? 4 sm, from below under a bottom two cross-section rods beat the same section. For a drain of superfluous water in day of a box make apertures in diameter of 1 sm through everyone 15 see there are boxes of more complex designs: with the spare tank for water that the ground did not dry up, and also with pallets for running off of water.

Fastening of flower boxes should be made strongly and reliably. The strongest fastening is carried out by means of special metal arms. They can be used and in the event that windows open outside as the box in this case fastens below outwardly a window sill. If the window opens inside of a premise, the box with plants can be established directly on an external window sill. The box thus necessarily strongly fastens to a window sill, for example by means of metal crampon. That the box stood horizontally, under it are enclosed oblique wooden scantling. On balconies with metal lattices at windows boxes can be established from the interior of a fencing, on a floor of a balcony, for example on flower supports. High plants place in the boxes costing on a floor, with a wall, there, where more than natural protection against damages.

If you have enough place on a balcony it is possible to construct an original rack of containers, having arranged it along a wall on all height. According to your desire it can be a rack from forepart or decorative boxes-containers. In containers it is possible to place the bought flower sprouts or small flowerpot with indoor plants. Besides, such design not only saves a place, in it it is possible to change easily according to your desire flowerpots with colors. Beautifully look on balconies hanging in special baskets or ceramic ornamental flowerpot ampelnes plants. For their fastening it is possible to use special arms with supports for pots or wicker ornamental flowerpot.

At cultivation in boxes of twisted plants for them establish special support in the form of directing cords, lattices, arches, etc. which give a necessary direction to twisted runaways and create the conceived form of gardening. Presence on balconies of vertical gardening, as a rule, creates a background for flower registration, selection of its assortment and color scale.

Using the resulted examples in your flower box on a balcony it is possible to arrange a tiny garden, having landed at once some kinds of plants. From external edge of a box it is possible to land ampelnes plants that their hanging down stalks decorated a box. On the center of a box any low plants land, it can be as pottery plants or pergola. And from internal edge balcony a box it is possible to land any twisted plants (for example, an ivy) by means of which it is possible darkened a balcony.

Basis of good development of plants is the healthy ground rich with nutrients. The fresh friable earthen mix with addition of sand is most suitable. Sometimes add the crushed peat, especially in that case when boxes are located on the solar party. Peat absorbs in itself an excessive moisture, keeps it, not souring and not rotting. The box is in regular intervals filled with the ground so that the surface of a ground was below edges of a box on 1 - 2 see Densely to stamp the ground does not follow, a deposit of the ground is reached by stirring of a box at its filling. In balcony boxes the ground is quickly exhausted, therefore plants already through 2 - 3 weeks after landing are necessary to feed up on a regular basis (time in 10 - 14 days) complex fertilizers, and every spring the ground in boxes needs to be updated. For winter of a plant from boxes are cleaned, the ground is loosened and in such kind remains for the winter. In the spring the part of the top layer leaves and replaced fresh. As plants in boxes are usually landed very densely, to bring fertilizer in a loose it is not recommended.

The Most convenient forms additional fertilizing for balcony colors - liquid and sticks of long action. Special care of a plant demand to itself during flowering, during this period top dressing with the maintenance of phosphorus is necessary for them.