Saturday, June 9, 2007

The types of ferns

Most in the room following a growing ferns.

Venerin hair-maidenhair fern, towels foliage resemble female Bourouba. The leaves are thin, prosvechivayuschie, light green, dvazhdyperistye, up to 35 centimetres of the thin black stems. Wood broad segments, with short okruglo-zubchatoy top. Sporangii are at the edges of the segments. White creeping. The rest is missing. Requires warm moist conditions, the best increase in the penumbra. Bobcats division bush and disputes. Used to cool and green space with high humidity. There are also variety : maidenhair wedge; Maidenhair broad-leaves which resemble shining birch; Maidenhair.

Asplenium lukovitsenosny-plant with beautiful, large, slightly ponikayuschimi leaves. Leaves peristo-rassechennye smaller share. Sporangii udlinenno-ovalnoy forms, one on the underside of each share. Stem leaves glossy, dark. Spring on the upper side of the leaves are kidney ousted. It germinates in the maternal plants, forming tiny rasteniya-detki of roots and some small leaves. It should be kept in shade and regular watering room and spraying. Another variety-asplenium remarkable cluster-drawn mechevidnymi, wavy edges on the leaves of up to 75 cm in length collected in a wide outlet.

Nefrolepis uplifting is the neprihotlivy of ferns. Plants with root and beautiful dugoobrazno-ponikayuschimi, cirrus leaves, which can reach one meter in length and 10 cm in width, short avium, growing beam. White form shoots resemble whip used for micropropagation. Their prisypayut land and the establishment of the young plants are 3 - 4 sheet, are segregated and plant in small pots. Wood udlinenno-treugolnye share, on the bottom of the rows are sporangii round. Nefrolepis makes shade, dry air temperature changes. Removed many forms and varieties prevalent in Simferopol and room culture. They are leaf size and the degree of their rassechennosti. The beauty or kruzhevnoy Boston fern.

Pteris Crete and pteris ferns serebristo-pyatnisty-surface height up to two metres short rhizomes, covered with flakes of which beam back many leaves with rare lentovidno-udlinennymi share. The leaves are beautiful peristo-rassechennye, Eucalyptus. Sporangii located along the edges of the underside of the leaf. For pterisa needed moderate temperature, high humidity (regular watering and spraying), shading from direct sunlight. Easily propagated by dividing rhizomes and disputes with the transplant.

Platitserium loserogy

Platitserium loserogy (sem. mnogonozhkovyh), a major epifitny very unusual fern leaf decorative forms. The leaves are of two types : sporonosnye and sterile. First-length 50-70 cm, wedge-shaped at the base, at the top of the advanced, rassechennye to share sizo-zelenye, white, in the form of reindeer horns; Second-round, resembling a pocket diameter of 12 to 20 cm on the sides sometimes dolchatye. The sterile leaves accumulate moisture, leaf litter, a substrate for plant breeding. Sporangii zhelto-korichnevye. Plants teplolyubivo requires mandatory spraying. Razmnozhayut disputes and divisions. Epifitnoe grow as a plant in zemlesmesyu basket with the addition of sphagnum moss. Used for landscaping Greenhouse. There are other varieties - platitserium Hill. It leaves the old covered Cyanobacteria white hairs.

Davalliya rassechennaya - epifitny fern. Leaves 25-length 30 cm in front Eucalyptus segments in the long thin Prunus solomenno-zheltogo color. Heavy creeping white flakes attached to the root unusual plant species. The capacity use suspension baskets collected from wooden reechek on a well. Trash fill light, porous substrate, which allows the root system to grow epifita free to all parties. Requires warm, humid conditions, scattered light. Bobcats this type of fern division.


Less known, but no less attractive as the following types of ferns. Pelleya lily-miniature ferns, leaves that reach up to 30 cm in length, slip round, Eucalyptus. White creeping. Used in flower compositions. Ligodium Japanese-curling fern. Leaves with cirrus rassechennymi narrow segments. Disputes are located at each end of sporonosnyh narrowed segments. Requires warm moist conditions. Razmnozhayut disputes. Flebodium golden fern-spreading, long-difference creeping rhizomes. Tektariya pochkonosnaya-a large mat of fern green leaves on the lower part of which occur ousted kidney size of a pea. They easily oblamyvayutsya and, once on the soil surface, becoming entrenched.