Thursday, June 28, 2007

The maintenance of plants on a balcony

Being rooms within winter the plants intended for an ornament of balconies, should be preliminary prepared for cultivation on air. Them bear on a balcony with approach of warm days and frost-free nights. For protection of roots of plants against drying and burns, and also for constant humidifying plants, pots with plants drive in boxes, on 2/3 filled by a moss, peat, sawdust or sand. Water, evaporating from such ground, sates with a moisture air, that favorably affects growth of a ground part of plants. That roots not germly through a water-waste aperture also have not gone deep into the ground of a box, under a bottom of a pot it is possible to put a circle of plywood. If such way is very combined, plants can be exposed on a balcony in own pots, but thus it is necessary especially will take care about them watering, and dark pots to protect from solar beams, for example decorating their light paper or having painted a pot in light color. Watch, that leaves of plants did not lean to разогретому solar heat to a windowpane.

To land flowers in balcony a box it is necessary not too densely that there was a place for development of new runaways. The magnificent, well generated plants or plants which develop the greater vegetative weight can be landed in one number. The most good results at cultivation of colors in boxes reach landing of the strong, well developed sprouts. The majority conservatory can be landed in a stage budding, landing make after the period of possible frosts in cloudy weather or in the evening. After landing plentifully water. Plants can be grown up by crop of seeds directly in a ground of a box. In the ground superficial grooves, and after crop are done, seeds fall asleep finely sifted ground or sand. After crop having watered make accurately to not admit washing away of seeds. Before occurrence of shoots it is necessary to cover boxes a paper or glass.

Preliminary not prepared plants in the first days quite often strongly suffer from solar burns, differences of temperatures. Stalks, leaves and buds can wither and even to be lost. To bear plants on a balcony it is better in cloudy day that plants have not suffered from sharp change of conditions, they are preliminary necessary for tempering in well aired room. On balconies in the first days, especially at midday, plants during shadow, for example, using for this purpose the newspaper. In some days an original screen clean. In boxes for summer of a plant have freely that they could expand in all the parties. In the rest leaving same, as well as in rooms. Since August, start cleaning indoor plants from balconies. First time of a plant can suffer from lack of fresh air and dryness, therefore it is necessary to air rooms on a regular basis. Gradually plants get used to new conditions.