Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Interesting plants on the balcony

Nasturtium. Beautiful one plant. Stems and leaves flower juicy. There is a shrub height of 20 - 30 cm and C3-up to 2.5 m. Leaves be thyroid. Stylish flower with shportsem reach 7 cm in diameter and have a pleasant fragrance. The main colours-from yellow to brown. Abundant fruit from June until frost. The fertile soil of flowering rare, but large and bright flowers. The fruit triangular, dinosaurs, and growing apart. By multiply seeds. Plants heat, moisture and light-requiring. Seeds sown in May immediately for a permanent seat on the slots 3 - 5 pc. 25-30 cm soil should be light, rich in phosphorus, is wetted. Earth, the boxes must be attracted and weeding.

Nasturtium contains antibiotic tropeolin, sulfur dioxide essential oil, vitamin C. Nastoy of leaves are like antibiotic. Lotion prevents precipitation from nasturtium and strengthens the hair roots. All parts of the plant have a pleasant taste sharp, similar to the taste of tomatoes. The leaves are used fresh. They add variety to summer salads or as a seasoning for the second dishes. Finely cut flower attached sweetish-heady aroma and taste of summer salads, cold appetizers, garnishes. The green (unripe) fruit added as a marinated in spices.

Parsley multi-Cut subshrub height of 15 - 20 cm, has leaves in a complicated manner folding various shades of green. Plants can be grown not only outdoors, but also used as a decorative plant room. For distillation green in winter usually use parsley roots, which were sent in November. If roots long, the bottom of the top cut off and the lower part be harded, started planting, or roots stand. Parsley grown in rows of boxes or flower pots average. Soil mixture made of peat land and bees (1:1). The distance between the roots when planting 5 cm head root should be at 1.5 to 2 cm above the soil surface. The renovation of the plant water with 1 week. Green is growing rapidly at a temperature of 20 to 22 ° C.
Growing parsley in loggias sow the seeds from 15 to 20 April. Boxes with soil mixture shed hot water and sow the seeds for a distance of 12 cm from each other. Planting of water with small portions through the day, morning and evening. Parsley on the content of minerals, particularly important as iron, potassium, ranked first among vegetables. Vitamin C Parsley 10 times more than in a green salad. Much of the phosphorus, calcium. Green parsley add in the various dishes, used to improve appetite and digestion.

Calendula pharmacies (Marigold) - one herbaceous plant height of 20-75 cm, is a multibranch powerful bushes. Flowers and uvular tube to a specific smell, collected in the basket. The colours of bright yellow flowers and orange tones. Deflorate heads should remove some heads can be left for seeds. Cold resistance, male and frugal plants. Sow seeds in the ground in April. The essential oils in flowers buds contain vitamin C, coloring substance kalenduin, Juniperus, tanning agents. Gather calendula flower in bloom, dried in the shade and keep in closed railway banks. Calendula can be used to give flavor to soups and cooked meat. Sunflower calendula used as a food dye. Setting apply to occur with flu, and stomatitis. The pack of flowers healing wounds and bruises.

Mangold (leaf beet). cold resistance biennial plant. Depending on the spray stalk his divided into red-, inadequate, and green- silverness- stalked. Before sowing the seeds soaked for 2 to 3 days in a wet cloth. Seeds sow 1 - May 10 immediately in a box in the loggias or on the balcony. Before planting soil shed cold water and spread to a depth of 2 to 2.5 cm at a distance of 12 to 15 cm apart. Prior to germinate crops water with warm water 1 to 2 days. In the fall before frost from mangolda cutting all large leaves, well-cast and in-plant capacity for the production of parsley. Plant water with 1 week abundantly. Leaves and Prunus mangolda, used in food contains a lot of valuable substances : proteins, sugars, minerals and vitamins, provitamin A-carotene. The greens juicy, nice for color and taste. The leaves are added to salads, Saturdays, Oman, soups, and the stem to boil or to fry and drink as accompaniment. In medicine, the herb used to lower blood pressure. Leaves from mangolda major growing large outlet. The more they cut, the obilnee they grow.

Broken tree (American aloe) - succulented plant height up to 3 m. erect stem, covered with the remnants of dead at the bottom of the leaves. Leaves Oh, glucose, with sharp toothed, up to 50 cm, matted orange-green or stiff. On the edge of the sheet is folded upward swing. In the room a little blooms. In the summer irrigation recommended strengthened. Winter provided at 12 - 14 ° C. Young plants transplant every year, old in 2 - 3 years in the soil out of the bees, soft earth and sand. His multiplicated sea from July to August in the spring or late in the sand. It shoots chop pieces of 12 cm and a length to dry in air for days. Before the water with roots occasionally. Sok soil contains biologically active substances such as lektin, the vast growth of cancer cells. For juice leaves are grown and cut vertically down any receptacle or reduced or squeezing. It is also used to treat sores, wounds, inflammatory processes inside and centuries in the treatment of bronchitis and tuberculosis, diseases throat and larynx.

Melissa lemon-long medicinal plants. Stalks straight unguent. Flowers are white in the upper leaf axils. Melissa sow seeds of the plants at the beginning of March. A small box filled soil mixture with warm water shed and to a depth of 0.5 cm sow the seeds dry. Prior to germinate in the soil, spray 1 - 2 days. Plant seedlings to the country in April-May. When the plants reach a height of 20-25 cm and flower buds begin to appear, it must pinch them back. When the plants reach a height of 40-50 cm, cutting it together with the stem and leaves 10 to 12 see such a beautiful way to reach a large bush. Its leaves contain essential oils that give strong and pleasant lemon smell and taste bitter-sweet. The leaves also contain vitamin C, carotene, tanning agents. In traditional medicine infusions balm applied for heart disease, shortness of breath, insomnia, nervousness, gout, to lower blood pressure. The leaves and young twigs used in fresh and dried form as musk flavoring to mushrooms, fish, game, added to salads and drinks