Friday, August 17, 2007

Winter gardens part2

The organizations of a winter garden need to be given enough attention. First, it is important to choose in what party of light it it will be turned. Being under direct solar beams the most part of day, it will be heated and hardly probable will be comfortable both for people, and for plants. Even if the winter garden is turned on the north, good ventilation is necessary for it, and in turned on the south for can be necessary and jalousie (as a variant most convenient and practical).

Stone or paved a tile a floor and unpretentious wattled furniture plants according to their requirements, not being afraid to spoil allow to water and spray conditions. Good wattled furniture, some pillows - that else is necessary for comfortable reading or conversation. And the table covered in winter garden will seem to more harmonious if to use utensils and devices with vegetative motives.

Other problem for a winter garden - wreckers and illnesses of plants which much more hardy at the big density of plants as conditions for them are created practically ideal, and - birds and predatory insects - here are not present natural enemies. Application of chemicals in this case not always is desirable, especially if in winter to a garden spend a lot of time and the more so eat. There is also more modern way - the biological control. It is developed for the majority of hothouse illnesses and wreckers. This use of alive microorganisms and predatory insects which at correct observance of the instruction of suppliers, can be very effective.

Winter gardens

The climate of your winter garden is important for convenience of people and colors. Inevitable efforts will depend on a climate on its maintenance and selection of assortment of possible plants. The most widespread and often most successful decision - a climate of the Mediterranean, dry both hot in the summer and cool and damp in the winter. In such conditions of will well feel many plants for which in living rooms happens too жарко in the winter. It, for example, grapes and citrus, olives, monsterium, a rosemary and a sage, pelargonium, bougainvillaea, abutiloniums, cypresses, camelias, azaleas and even many palm trees. If the winter temperature does not fall below +10°С, a specific variety of plants can will increase (for example, hibiscus, passionflowers, and many surprising plants). At higher winter temperature (+15°С) there is possible a cultivation of tropical plants, such as anturium, a ficus and even orchids.