Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Chapter 3

Koleus - herbaceous plant with a look reminiscent krapivu. The culture distributed hybrids koleusa Blyume. Stalks orthostanding, plant height and 80 see Leaves oval, sharp at the end, on the edge of foam or gear. The leaves are finely difference, usually pestro painted. Fruit during the growing period bluish small flower. The moderate temperatures and the winter cool, the humidity in the summer plentiful irrigated, bright lights. Transplant annually in the spring, the soil koleus not picky. In many spring stem late spring and summer. To learn more beauty bush, the top shoots pinch back, sometimes several times. During the winter usually plants to growing and pulled out.


Brovaliya beautiful (sem. nightshade) - flourishing plant height of 40-60 cm oval leaves with jagged tiptoe. The upper leaf axils formed single flower in the fruit length 2.5 cm, the calyx five-saw broder. Fruit in July-September. The optimum temperature for growth -13-16C heat. In the summer requires copious irrigation, mild winter from May sustained mineral and organic fertilizers. Prefers substrate of foliar land Perennial, peat and sand (2,5:1:1:1). Plants grown in the southern ripe and is used to light green spaces.

Brovaliya beautiful

Militia jasmine – flourishing plant height of 15 to 100 cm, the green light for residential premises. The leaves are oval, sharp, dark green. Flowers to 7.5 cm in diameter, widely openness single, white or cream color with pleasing flavor. Flower buds are at or below 16C night and 18C afternoon. The high temperature evolved vegetative shoots at the expense of the kidneys. Plants over 3 years abundantly blooming in winter. Perhaps precipitation blossoms because of wind, dry soil and air. Weak shoots adult plants should be removed. Requires good lighting and high humidity. Sustained in the spring and summer of every 2 to 3 weeks. Bobcats semi-lignification top stem 7,5-10 cm from late spring to early autumn.

Militia jasmine

Hybrids senpoly violaceous-variegated - Decorative broadleaved be rosette plant a small (13 cm high, 15 cm wide). The herb prized for the wonderful variety of colors : white, blue, pink or purple, single or 3 to 7 at one floriferous. The leaves are round, elongated, 4 to 5 cm, velvety, from light to dark with sharply opposed ribs. Stems severely shortened. With the right care plant blooms abundantly from 6 to 10 months of the year. The bright lights and high humidity, spraying is not recommended. The herb does not stand up to wind and low temperatures. Bobcats sheets late. The soil of a mixture of soft earth, Perennial and peat (3:1:1) with the addition of sand.
