Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Create beautiful fence!

To create a beautiful fence takes several years. But this is justified their useful service. Seedlings conifers are often at the age of 3 to 4 years as a fence evergreen grows very slowly. In turn, most shrubs quickly, and for 2 to 3 years can be dense and high fences. Even in the cold winter shrubs (eg Aralia Manchuria, buddleya David, kerriya) freeze slightly, in the year quickly restored. The biggest mistake beginners gardeners, too dense planting seedlings. It is important to remember that the plants for good branching and development needs beyond food and illumination area. With dense planting seedlings pulled, prematurely bare bottom.

Plant a living fence can be in the spring and autumn. Advance write a draft green fences. Depending on the destination planned to determine the form of fences, its location, decide to plant species diversity. Well prepare the way, this is usually done in the fall. Along the fence initially planned pulling cord stamp line, which will land. Then along cord to dig trench for planting depth to 60 cm and a width of about 65 centimetres (depending on the number of rows and number of plants). The distance between rows depends on the strength of growth of plants, ranging from 0.3 to 1 m. Choose the top fertile layer separately from the bottom to add a peregnoy, peat or other organic fertilizer. In winter cover boards or threats. Planting seedlings lead to a distance of 30-50 cm for Toprol bushes and up to 1 m for large plants. In two-column fences plant trees chequered course. Plant trees so that the root neck was from the ground, or can lead to slow growth. After planting the soil around the seedlings and carefully trample down pour on. If landing a summer, it should be pritenit tree to avoid sunburn and intense evaporation. After landing recommended rooting stimulants. Flip through planting can be done rollers of the land, which would not have to maintain the water to spill. For the weaker plants for the first time to set foot of the wooden cross along the row. Before planting to increase branching cut the top of seedlings. For coniferous plants Grooming spend when they reach a height of 20-40 cm, the procedure better later in the autumn.


Over time, with excrescence plants and trim interlocking branches of a certain image and the form of a living fence: rectangular, square, oval, triangular, trellis, trapezius and other heart fences make-solid, without gleaming. Of flora or trees can grow so-called trellis fences, which are particularly strong and tightness. Plants (cuttings or plants) bank angle of 45 ° to each other. If already effuse plants, the cutting shoots, leaves, young and the most powerful. They send an angle to each other. Branch to knit intertwined with one another, which places them cutting their bark and bags of insulation tape, and leave until the seam. The following year, repeat the procedure with the new shoot strong shoots. Grown in a way living fence will be very strong.

It should not be planted trees at the northern facade home where sunlight falls infrequently and damp from melting snow remains on the long. When landing from outer walls better to retreat at least 5 m from the edge of the driveway at 2 p.m. Consider carefully placing on the tree, with a strong root system. Very effuse roots can disrupt and destroy the foundation already appointed lawns and track site, a heavily effuse tree crowns would house the natural arrangements and the sun. Large trees should be harmony with the architecture of buildings, a small boarding house on the contrary may be too massive.

As material for hedgerows using seedlings of various species of trees and shrubs, often with spines (Crataegus, Rosa canina, etc.), for in farmstead landing Low and beautiful (sea, roses, etc.). In southern graceful living fences can be grown from bukusa, Lavra, rosemary with the artistic haircuts. Beautiful and fragrants fences are derived from jasmine, wild roses, lilacs and other flowering shrubs. Beautiful green fence of a coniferous trees, spruce, fir, industrial, mining. Fences more than 1.5 m from the hawthorn trees, fruits, fruits, jasmine fences average height from the plains, Kalina, raspberries, lilac, yellow shares. Low Toprol fences up to 1 m from the Japanese bereskleta, Privet, meadowsweet, Fabaceae, Rose.

Living fence

Green tree plantations in addition to contribute to the formulation of oxygen also pose aesthetic pleasure, make the landscape more attractive. In landscaping and the home of a leading role decorative foliage, and coniferous evergreen trees and shrubs. They are planted in lawns groups, large copies-one. Garden may be open or closed. Clear garden is a lawn with a separate standing trees, creating beautiful scenery and emphasizes architectural forms. Private garden or living fence is a stand of trees and shrubs, planted at a short distance from each other in one-two or more series.

Low fences (from 0.5 to 1 m) is usually used for hems tracks in the green, by parterre lawns and flowers at the alley. High or medium (1 - 2 m and above) have protective fences protective function: they planted in the division of the site into zones, with decorative design fences, they absorb noise and withering protect from the wind and cold.
Living fences

Living fences are simple (one type of plant) or complex (multiple species of trees and shrubs), multi-layered (centre high copies, on the sides of their lower-level) or single-planting trees and bushes. When selecting plants to range fences have to consider their Tailored to local soil and climatic conditions, crown shape and height, the time of flowering and fruiting, colors and shades of leaves in different seasons. Well room and grow almost any soil trees and shrubs such as mountain, Kalina, red maple, Field, negundo, to wartiness birch, larch, cherry, juniper sabina, Alberta plains, Yves Babylonian, Tunberga weed, wild grapes, Crataegus, Acacia White. But such trees and shrubs as fir, hornbeam, Lipa mild, Acer and silver maple, white Yves demanding to fertility of soil and climatic conditions.

Trees are different format crown: pyramidal (fir, maple Acer, white spruce), spherical (Konsky chestnut, maple and red field), weeping or wormwood (birch, cherry, Alberta plains).

Some species of trees and shrubs leaf colors and shades of change in the season. L. allocated beautiful painting leaves and black fruits with colored bloom, Buzina and river-bright red, yellow-red Schisandra, hips-gold, skumpiya - friable cob purple hue. Black, lilac, white Acacia, Jasmine, Rose, poplar teas during flowering blagouhayut unique flavor. Living fences

For the fence so you can find plants that during the summer season, he was continually flowering. For example, the median strip in April blooms black cherry; In May, Crataegus, ash, cherry, chestnut Konsky, romantic early grades; In June chernoplodnaya rest, White, Jasmine, Rosa canina; In July, Acacia yellow, Lipa, spiraea; A August-Fabaceae Van Guta.

The form of all living fences are freely rising and Shaped. Free growing fence is not required to master the perfect way to the station, and will not cause a lot of chores. They are from the bush, not bound Grooming. Such care is to maintain plantations, protection from pests, urea and sanitary cropping. Strizhenaya fence requires more care and careful selection of the range of plants.