Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The atmosphere

 The atmosphere plays a major role in the life of plants. For good growth and development of plants most of a fresh, clean and not too dry air. Only tropical plants least in need of osvejenia air. It plants are needed oxygen and acid. Therefore, it can not be allowed to air between particles of soil for long periods of time was filled with water. The soil should be melkokomkovata structure is air and vodopronicaema. The surface of the soil in flower containers must be maintained in rahlom condition. For rapid growth and development of plants, the air in a room must be clean and fresh. Rooms have frequencies Ventilate. However, it must be remembered that skwozniaki harmful to plants, especially tropical. Therefore, in provetrivanii room doors should be closed. Plants should be kept clean : dust from the leaves removed wet towels; Plants with smooth leaves great need to wash with warm water, especially during the winter months; Flowers with opoushennami wash leaves very carefully. 04/99 mixture of flower pots that occasionally loosen to improve air and better access to air roots. Good soil, or the substrate for the plant is very important, as it is the country they get needed water and nutrients, it is their support. The key to a successful home gardening is correctly identified bitumen mixture. There are substrates that can absorb excess water, and then, if necessary, to give. As seedlings, cuttings have to be changed on the ground. For potted plants, in accordance with their individual requirements of soil mixture from different lands : bees, leaf, peregnana, peat, pine, heath, county. It must also have a clean river sand and moss. Dernova land with clay soil is heavy, it is very nutritious. Sheet land nutrient mixtures plays the role rahlitel. Verescovu land can be collected in coniferous forests in the thicket heather. It is good for cultivation kameli, suitable for the cultivation of small seeds. Peregnanaya land rich in nutrients. Softwood land has increased acidity. Peat land was PAHs reaction. It differs rahlostew and easily applied to the other soils. Peat land particularly needed for the cultivation of gortenzi, azaleas, kameli, rhododendrons; Best for small crops seeds and cerenkovania plants. But it should not be peresushiwati. Systematic land rich in nutrients, but easily spread, slezivaetsa that is its weakness. Ogorodnaya land can be used for many potted plants if it is not infected with pests and diseases caused plants.

 to be continued