Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stony gardens and rock garden part 2

Prost and attractive in a so-called flat rock. This rock is a little pit trees, posted pretty neat stones. Originally will look somewhat similar in form of arbitrary shape beds located on different levels. Plant trees in various alpine culture. Flat rock is low, but very decorative.

To get gardens or rocky alpine Forty-use high svetolyubivye perennials. They fall into alpine meadows plants, poluskalnye plants and rocky highland plant.

The highest and beautiful meadows, alpine plants. They require soil from peregnoya, books and sheets, land and coarse sand (1:1:1). These include: alpine forget-me-not, ever stand, orchids spring, Pion tonkolisty, Primrose spring and mild.

Poluskalnye alpine plants is less demanding to soil composition. Substrates for them are a mixture of leaf and distributed land impurities sand with small gravel (1:1:1). This group includes: Clove peristaya, sinegolovnik, Phlox grassy, BELL Carpathian etc.

Poor and small alpine plants netrebovatelny and their normal growth cook mixture of coarse sand with fine gravel and land navigation (2:1). This group includes: Veronica gorechavkovidnaya, rezuha alpine, Sedum Eversa, immature creeping, Primrose bessebelnaya, yaskolka silver.

Stony gardens and alpinarii: Barvinok

In lieu of grass (cereals) grass can grow several cabinet to the soil, svetolyubivyh pochvopokrovnyh plants: alpine arabis, Sedum off and Sedum Eversa, yaskolku silver and black, cloves travyanku, gipsofilu creeping, ever teas, creating decorative wall coating plant type . For the shadow of the wet suit creeping thyme, pechenochnitsa noble, Madagascar small, loosestrife monetchaty, saxifrage shadow, Maianthemum Kamchatkan. Such prizemistye plants (10-25 cm) to a growing unpretentious. Among pochvopokrovnyh plants are considered especially valuable evergreen plants that retain high dekorativnost from spring to late fall, for example, Madagascar small pahizandra. Later in the fall, when most plants in the garden loses its dekorativnost, lawns from pochvopokrovnyh plants continue to enjoy the eye.

Vinca is a unique small pochvopokrovnoe plants quickly razrastayuscheesya, unpretentious, forming flat green cover, ornamental throughout the year. Different high dekorativnostyu during flowering plants such as Phlox subulate and grassy, yaskolka silver, sedumy. In the shadow of dry ground grows well saxifrage shadow. Yaskolka silver is very good for a silver lawn on sunny rocky sections.

Rocky garden or alpine hump, artificially created structure, displaying the beauty of a mountain landscape with the alpine flora. They should be set in a beautiful blend of stones and plant-Letnikov, perennials, shrubs.