Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Stony gardens and rock garden

Rokary small rocky area, where naturally dispersed stone ornamental trees. This is an interesting admission flower design parks, gardens, parks sites. Particularly successful they may be in places with rough terrain and bugristym territory. Depending on the shade or sun of a rocky natural sites of solntselyubivyh (Sedum, Phlox subulate, primuly, irises) or shade (watershed, фиопогон, Vinca) plant.

Rock-rocky Sadiq from the collection of alpine flora, which is situated on rocky slopes. Regular and irregular alpinarii have in the south-eastern, southern and south-western slopes where more sun. With such exposure color obilnee plants. For alpinariya construction on the northern slope of using tolerant and more resistant plants.

When the device rocky garden give any specific recommendations difficult. Because of its appearance depends entirely on the arts and artistic presentation creator. It should be emphasized grace stones and plants, coupled with the surrounding landscape. The main condition for a rocky garden-free, natural placement of stones. Against the backdrop of green lawn place 1 - 2 stone, put them around a small coniferous plants with a crown dwarf forms (sabina juniper or pine mountain) or pyramidal (sea, juniper ordinary), free bus beside them several pochvopokrovnyh or ornamentals. Planting in small groups or soliterami amidst rubble against a backdrop of stones they look impressive. Try to locate all the elements and your most naturally and unobtrusively. You can arrange garden as stony terraces, filling crevices between the rocks and plant breeding substrate there alpine plants with pochvopokrovnymi. Looks like the garden is very close to the water. Boulders placed heavy ground to the ground.

Stony gardens and rock garden

Arrange rock (Alpine hump) must be that it does not poluchilas very high and massive and not be a random bunching stones. Soil getting better level irregularly shaped, ranked stones at their edges. Alpine hump well get down to a natural terrain or water. For planting in rock types picked subalpine and alpine vegetation contrasting colour, form, invoice leaf with different bloom periods.

Rock construct in the autumn as well as spring ends sludge soil. Choosing a day when the soil is dry, srezhte Grass, carefully select from the ground roots of the multi weeds. In a alpinariya installed drainage layer of brick bat or gravel layer of 10 cm at schebenistoe drained ground nasypayut hill good breeding protocol land impurities peat, coarse sand and some small stones. In some sectors can create a special soil, in accordance with the characteristics of individual plants. After this hill land hot stones of various sizes and shapes, one or more, but similar mineralogical composition of rocks. For devices alpine slides can be used KK, sand, unemployment, shale, granites and basalt. Two recent rock advantage different from the rest of high strength, and the hump of these stones will be more durable. In the spring are beginning to plant trees. In the intervals between the stones add planting mix. The soil must be valid in a few weeks, then add a little mixture and lightly Condense.

In alpinariyah decorative values allowed wide species of plants to create the largest decorative effect. But they picked range in size alpinariya. After transplantation of plants in their permanent place of the soil around plants and slightly seal polivayut then mulchiruyut crushed stone or gravel. Remember time removed from alpinariya weeds. In addition, each spring mulch to the soil surface. Alpine plants do not need frequent podkormki occasionally plants podkarmlivayut weak fertilizer solution. Despite sufficient stamina and zimostoykost most of the highland plant in alpinarii requires partial or complete protection of certain plants for the winter.