Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Assortment of plants for a winter garden.Oleander, Dracaena, Kafir lily, Bilbergia hanging

Oleander. An evergreen bush up to 1,5 m with dark coriaceous leaves and fragrant white, yellow or rose-red colors. All parts of a plant contain poisonous substances, therefore at care of a plant it is necessary to be careful. An oleander light-requiring. In the beginning of March of a branch of a plant it is necessary to cut, leaving on them on 3 - 4 kidneys. It is done because flowers are formed only on young branches of a gain of current year. Replace an oleander before the beginning of growth. A nutritious mix make from turfen, sheet and humus the grounds with addition of sand (4:2:2:1). Shanks of an oleander easily take roots in crude sand and in water.

Dracaena bordered. Is decorative-deciduous similar to palm perennial with lignification a stalk up to 2,5 m, narrow leaves in length up to 50 sm, collected on a top of a stalk. At occurrence of damages or deformation of leaves it is necessary to make to their scrap. Make multiple copies usually top shanks up to 15 sm or stem shanks with several kidneys.Ground blend make of the deciduous and turfen ground, humus, peat and sand (2:1:1:1:1). Illumination and humidity moderated (at 15 - 20С), spray leaves in the summer. Having watered plentiful, in the winter moderated.
Dracaena bordered

Kafir lily orange - a grassy plant with a short stalk, thick roots without a bulb and dark green ribbons the leaves located two-lane. Kafir lily plentifully blossoms large inflorescences of orange painting. On one arrow happens up to 30 flowers. On adults of a plant happens up to 5 arrows. Flowering proceeds from the end of winter up to the end of summer, forming a fruit. Contain kafir lily at 16 - 20С heat. Demands plentiful enamel and liquid additional fertilizings. More preferably east or western windows. It is made multiple copies by seeds and radical offsprings. A ground make of a mix of the sheet and argillaceous-turfen ground with addition of sand (2:2:1). Adult plants replace through 2 - 3 years. Upon termination of growth, having watered reduce.
Kafir lily orange

Bilbergia hanging - tow tropical plant, flowers in an ear on a small stalk with bright red bracts. Leaves band species, linear, 30 - 45 see Blossoms in January - March. It is made multiple copies by seeds and division of a bush. Demands uniform temperature (15 - 20С) and not too dry air (in dry air tips of leaves dry up). Leaves in the summer often spray, a dust clean wet webs. Replace a plant in the early spring in the turfen ground with addition of sand and humus (3:1:1). The plant does not transfer lime. It is used for gardening premises with windows of any orientation, in pendant baskets.
Bilbergia hanging