Friday, April 20, 2007

Types of trees

 The form of leaves, trees, divided into peristolistnye that are similar in form to feather birds, and veerolistnye resembling video fan. For room culture fit following.



vashingtoniya nitenosnaya, trahikarpus high

  Vashingtoniya nitenosnaya.Veernaya palm of up to 2,5 m, the leaves are on the long, thick, shipovatyh avium. The bar sheet is composed of many segments of up to 45 cm in length, the province which split the long belovatye thread. Requires regular but moderate watering. Sustained every 2 to 4 weeks in the spring and summer. Prefers substrate of foliar land bees land, peat and sand (1:3:1:0,5). In many regions during the second half of spring.

Trahikarpus high or Japanese veernaya palm-palm with a direct beam of up to 2 m, which is densely covered with the remnants of otmershih leaf-chereshkami or fibers. Leaves hub, dark green, deeply rassechennye multiple segments. The herb is a nice yellow color. Sustained every 2 weeks in the summer during the growth period. Prefers reluctance bright room Irrigation regular, moderate winter. Prefers substrate of foliar land bees land, peat and sand (1:3:1:0,5). In many regions at 24oS early spring.


date palm, hoveya Forster

Palm trees, or the phoenix kanarsky-palm with direct beam up to 3 meters high, wood residues cause leaf, and having kolonnoobraznuyu form. The leaves are large, zelenovato-serye, cirrus, a length of 30-100 cm, slightly otognutye outwards. When the light leaves much pulled out and obvisayut. In a room date palm grows rather slowly. To evenly education leaf plum rotate so that the top young leaf was inside the room. In the summer moving to the balcony. Young plants transplant every year, the plant over five years as necessary. In between overs replace the crust of the Earth. Require adequate lighting and regular irrigation, podkormku spend every 2 to 4 weeks in the spring and summer. Предпочитает субстрат из лиственной земли, дерновой земли, перегноя, торфа и песка (1:1:1:1:1). In many regions (pits) at 25-30oS.

 Rafis lentovidny - kustistoe low plant height up to 1.5 m in diameter veernymi svetlo-zelenymi leaves 25 cm Not picky about coverage, teplolyubiv not carry heavy irrigation. Prefers nourishing soil of bees land Perennial and sand (1:1:0,5). In the summer they need nutrition organic fertilizers. In many regions. Hoveya Forster-pervasive culture of palm room in the 1 - 2,5 m. This prize palm with a barrel shrouded trees scars in the form of rings. Leaves cirrus length 30-60 cm, dark green, the bottom covered with small dots. Stem at the base expanded. Good moves dryness air. With heed blooms, rich. The moderate coverage and high humidity, avoid pereuvlazhneniya or drying up. Sustained every 2 to 4 weeks. In many regions at a temperature of 27 oS spring. Substrate made of equal parts foliar land bees land Perennial, peat and sand. Hoveya used for landscaping dining rooms, halls, office space.