Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Greening buildings with timber lianas

For decorating walls, fences, gazebos and a vertical wall decorations balconies and terraces using mainly tropical plants. Vines called fragile plants with flexible stems, which grow to a height in need of support.

In practice vertical greening most rational lianas landing in the ground near the building. Landing lianas to spring and autumn. After the device feet along the wall of the building (at a distance of 20 to 40 cm of it) to prepare a hole. Landing pits, or have a wall or blind area. The minimum width and depth of 50 pits see landing sites give food, peregnoem rich, loose soil. In heavy clay soils and dry most of lianas grow poorly. If planting hole over there in blind area, then the contour pits doing framing height of 5 to 8 cm above the pavement. Before landing lianas produce unnecessary circumcision and weak stems, shoots and roots. Then plant trees closer to the inner wall of a pit. Upon landing some useful burial neck root plants for the root system. Upon landing, all the stems of plants straighten evenly divided on support in a fan shape. Everyone escaped to tie up 2 - 3 field for a growth in height. Then lianas abundantly pour on when water soak, the soil surface worms, equalize. The roots of some of the less winter-hardy types and forms of lianas, especially growing up in vulnerable places, preferably in the first one-two years after planting shelter for the winter humus or peat, which early spring carefully, but with great caution mixed with the soil.

Greening buildings with timber lianas

There is a need to systematically increase reliance on shoots so decorated wall area was evenly covered with lianas greens. Later produce cropping damaged and moribund shoots thinning seats, removing white shoots. Vines, plants in boxes and salt, poorly nourished and do not reach the proper altitude and development.

In choosing decorative floral compositions of any building should be taken into account Functionality of the building and its architectural design, paint the walls of buildings, the light guidance to the parties. Green buildings require device feet. The most simple design and implementation are considered pillars of nets with large mesh 1 x 1 m. Grid should be mild, stainless, galvanized or in isolation thickness of 3 to 4 mm. Her leather and attach to the speaker of the metal wall anchorage. The distance between them in height taken within 2 hours For more density possibly a second diagonal grid cross marked overlap of a thin wire. After building can be painted in the color of the wall. To greening low wall fastener plant used wooden cradles strugannyh away from the cross section 30 x 40 mm, especially when planting in the flower boxes and salt. Often recovery plants vertically, or in any desired direction using cord, podvyazanny to small pegs, dug in the ground near the plant.