Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Assortment of plants for a winter garden. Araucaria, Abutilone and Acuba

Araucaria heterophyllous - an evergreen coniferous tree in height 1 - 3 m with a brownish shelled bark. Branches depart horizontally under a right angle to a trunk. Needles soft. Demands cool temperature (10 - 12С) in the winter. In the spring and requires in plentiful поливе and daily spraying in the summer. In the winter having watered reduce, but do not suppose drying the ground. Loves the moderate illumination, grows at east windows is better. The nutritious mix is made from turfen, coniferous, sheet, with the grounds with addition of sand (2:2:1:1). It is made multiple copies by seeds and shanks from tops of runaways in the middle of summer. The extended seeds stick the sharp end in the ground up to half and cover with a moss, support in a is moderate-damp condition at 14 - 16С heat.

Araucaria heterophyllous

Acuba Japanese (a gold tree) - a bush with oblong coriaceous leaves; at variegated-leafs forms - marble, light yellow painting. In the autumn the plant becomes covered by red fruits-berries. Flowers little ornamental. Contain at 10 - 12С in the winter. The plant unpretentious, well grows at lack of light. It is made multiple copies by top shanks in February-March. The plant demands spacious utensils. In the winter having watered moderated, and with approach of spring plentiful. A nutritious mix make from turfen, sheet and humous the grounds with addition of sand (2:2:2:1). In the spring and in the summer 2 times a month feed up mineral fertilizers.

Abutilone (a room maple) - an evergreen tree. Leaves green or variegated-leafs forms, not falling down in the winter. Flowers bluebell forms, white, cream-yellow coloured, reddish. Flowering plentiful, long. At 15 - 17С heat and good illumination blossoms also in the winter. That flowers on a plant was more, it is annually necessary to cut out superfluous branches. It is made multiple copies by seeds or green shanks. Replace in a nutritious mix from the argillaceous-turfen and sheet ground, humus and sand (2:2:1:1) in annually early spring. In the winter having watered moderated, in the spring - more plentiful. Feed up 2 times a month mineral fertilizers (3 gram on 1 litre waters).
to be continued...