Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Assortment of plants for a winter garden.

Sunsveeria three-lane Laurenti (the pike tail) - unpretentious grassy perennial with a thick rhizome and the long dense leaves which are sticking out upwards, as swords, with cross-section rough light strips. One socket leaves on 6 - 8 leaves in length up to 90 centimeter. Light-green flowers are collected in clustering inflorescences. Blossoms usually in the spring on well shined place. Grows and at opacity. It is undemanding to temperature - can be in warm and cool premises. Having watered moderated, in the winter it reduce. To replace better in the spring, at this time it is necessary and to make multiple copies a plant parts of a leaf or division of rhizomes. A long leaf cut on shares in length 5 - 6 sm, them aslant put in sand. In some weeks leaves take roots. For landing take wide and low pots. A nutritious mix make from turfen, sheet and перегнойной the grounds and sand (2:2:1).

Sunsveeria three-lane Laurenti

Chrysanthemums - subshrube a plant. In room conditions reaches height 20 - 50 see Shanks of chrysanthemums with 4 - 5 leaves in February put in the easy nutritious ground. The bottom pair leaves is cut off, and internode at landing deepened in the ground on 2 - 3 see Shanks on a regular basis spray to not suppose drying the ground. In a month shanks take roots, by April they can be replaced in their nutritious mix turfen, humusis, the sheet ground with an impurity of peat and sand (2:2:2:1:1). In the summer flowers demand plentiful enamel, frequent spraying, sufficient illumination. At fine flowers chrysanthemums in the beginning of growth 2 times pinch back tops of runaways for greater bushiness plants. At hybrid large flowers chrysanthemums cut out all axillary runaways, leaving central. Blossom in room conditions in October-November. Flowers can be various painting: yellow, white, orange, white. Leaves multilobular, light green. After flowering trunks shortly cut and leave in a cool premise (4 - 10oС heat), moderately watering.

Fuchsia hybrid - a small bush with opposite leaves. Flowers at a fuchsia hanging, cups and nimbuses are often various on painting. There are simple and double versions. Becomes covered by numerous colors in the summer. To turn pots with a fuchsia does not follow, from it it often dumps leaves. In the winter leaves partially fall down. The fuchsia to ground and light is not exacting almost, but well blossoms on the shined places. It is made multiple copies by shanks in length 5 - 7 sm or large strong leaves, them land in the easy sandy ground. After rooting land in pots with a mix from sheet, turfen, humous the grounds and sand. (1:1:1:1). From May till October 2 times a month are necessary to it liquid top dressing. In the winter a plant contain in at temperature 10 - 12С. The fuchsia is grown up одиночно and in group landings, on window sills and in pendant baskets.
Fuchsia hybrid