Monday, September 24, 2007

Ponds and lakes for you plants! Chapter 2

For your water plants can use water from ponds and lakes, but should not afforest their very densely, it is necessary to keep at least a small water table. Floating plants are divided into neukorenyayuschiesya on land freely floating on the water and ukorenyayuschiesya it with long stems and floating on the water surface leaves and flowers. For decorative design shallow water suited: vodokras froggy, Hévíz yellow (for water depths of 30-90 cm), rdest floating (for water depth of 0.5 to 2 m), white waterlily (depth can be from 75 to 100 cm), gases trehlistnaya, Highlander amphibian.

For planting aquatic plants at the bottom of the reservoir put rocks so there were veins, which can be specially prepared to pour in the ground. The soil for planting aquatic plants produce torfolistovoy mixture of sand and large (1:1). Top land nasypayut sand and plant trees between the stones, the top prisypaya small pebbles.

Much easier and more convenient to plant plants in containers that set in a specially made bed or improve education and strengthen their pebbles. This allows at any time to remove the plants, clean water. With the advent of cold water to be tried or exhaust, thermophilic plants moved into the room and plants, wintering in the wild, close lapnika layer or opavshey leaf (20 - 30 cm).

Next to the water plant irises, Forget. In reaction to the coast can put your favorite flowers. By the reservoir can to help into fast-growing trees such as the Babylonian Yves, Manchurian nuts, whose deep roots will podtyagivat water to the site, and many of its evaporation, air massage.

Keep water in the reservoir, remove the dirt from the surface and bottom water. Do not forget to follow the order in the water adjacent to the Lake area, uhazhivayte for plants remove ottsvetshie buds and yellowed grass and then the pond will always look clean and tidy and enjoy yourself. If necessary, change the water in the reservoir during its flowering. In the spring of empty or half the reservoir, remove fallen leaves and dirt, and Turquoise fresh water. Concrete pools after winter may require repairs because at the bottom they have cracks and water may leave.

More sophisticated devices and equipment with water mood, the waterfalls which operates on the principle of a vicious circle of water. In such cases, use small electric pumps. Bizarre coverage would create a magnificent scenery in the summer night. Beautiful garden ornaments can be colored lighting, burning only at night. The resulting afternoon sunlight charges small batteries located directly inside. And with nightfall they are lit in soft light. In shopping for designers to get a special artificial pebbles, which absorbs light during the day, and it emits a dark time. You can decorate a track or obramlenie stone reservoir.

Bizarre coverage would create a magnificent scenery in the summer night. Beautiful garden ornaments can be colored lighting, burning only at night. The resulting afternoon sunlight charges small batteries located directly inside. And with nightfall they are lit in soft light. In shopping for designers to get a special artificial pebbles, which absorbs light during the day, and it emits a dark time. You can decorate a track or obramlenie stone reservoir.