Monday, August 13, 2007

Winter gardens

Presently winter gardens, or house greenhouses as is more often them name, have turned to a daily reality. More and more than owners of greater apartments, country houses or cottages wish to realize dream of a blossoming oasis. The winter garden at the house is perceived now as one more living room. It can be both a dining room, and a drawing room, and even a bedroom. Its main feature - an abundance of plants which as it is good, as well as to people. Charm of a winter garden that in any weather, both during a rain, and in a wind here is cosy.

In given clause it is not given practical recommendations on construction of greenhouses, and the basic moments in their planning and a choice, and also to assortment and accommodation of plants are described. To equip a winter garden in a city apartment or a country house quite probably, if whenever possible in advance to make its project, considering some nuances. In this case to equip the glazed room penetrated by light it will be possible in exact conformity with your wishes. It is necessary to pay separate attention to questions of illumination and heating of the future garden. Winter gardens ordinarily represent a design with glass doors and glass walls. Such design concentrates on itself solar beams and promotes heating of all premises but if the garden is not warmed in addition, the part of energy leaves on heating of walls and their protection against overcooling. In the winter temperature in a garden it is essential below, than in other premises, therefore presence of additional doors and windows here is simply obligatory.

Thus, owners of the winter gardens, described above a design, sooner or later come to conclusion about necessity not only heating, but also full heat insulation, enabling as much as possible to use all advantages of an atmosphere of a winter garden. It is obvious that to consider this and other similar moments at a stage of development of the project is much easier, than to make re-planning already available premise.

At creation of a greenhouse it is necessary to remember also about presence of such elements as an electricity lead by special rules, ventilation of a premise, to adjust temperature and humidity of a premise. For convenience place on a wall the thermometer. If in your winter to a garden accommodation of the plants, demanding the raised humidity it is possible to provide the device allowing constantly to spray a plant by water is planned. For care of decorative trees and bushes it is possible to get a small step-ladder. With its help it will be easier to you to carry out care of high plants. Do not forget that the floor in winter to a garden should be from not decaying material, and whenever possible provide water-proofing, the floor covering should be easy and convenient in cleaning.

to be continued...