Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lawns, design and care

Lawn-translated from French means back. The green is the area with natural or artificially created grasses. In building green lawns paying much attention, they are divided into two groups : 1) ornamental lawns and 2) special-purpose lawns. Decorative Lawn, in turn, are divided into the following : parternye, meadow type (in parks and parks), a multi-ammonoids and Mauritanian (annuals, flowering Ararat). Special lawns is sports, airport separating transport and walking establishing slopes on the slopes, etc.

The parterre lawns located in front of the park and other places, making a basis of flower beds. They should be especially high quality, velvety, homogeneous on painting, equal without attacks and dense. The parterre lawns borrow the small area. To sow their use typically cereal grass with small tender leaves in the bottom of the bush, and quickly otrastayuschie after shearing. Lawn grasses should form good sod, to be steady against trampling, winter-hardy enough and decorative.For lawn grasses used mostly grass and fewer beans (such as white clover). All cereal grass divide into three groups : basic (meadow grass, red fescue, bent white), crown (fire lupine, meadow fescue, creeping teorological), intermediate (timothy(-grass), Lupinus).

Lawns meadow like a lot of space used for parks and other open parks. Such lawns sow with cereals 3 - 5 kinds. Using big team, bents, dog's-tail, Dactylis, Lupinus. Typically, adding a bit of white clover, and other long-term lyadvents grasses..

Multi ammonoids lawns are composed of ammonoids perennials Located groups against lawn. The main background of a low of grass-grazing and depressed one. In addition to sow grass meadow, bents dog's-tail and white, in equal parts. When using a mixture of 1 part grass seed and 2 seeds of flowering plants. In flower mixtures include 10 to 15 types of low greenhouse (30-40 cm), such as opium, knapweed, red flax, Iberis, Delphinium one, calendula, one.

Moorish, or the multicoloured lawn consists of ammonoids annual plants in a mixture of cereal grasses, as well as decorative , winter-hardy perennials(snowdrop, tulips, naked, bellscamomiles). They are used primarily greenhouses and in very rare cases, multi break into bloom year planting.
Creating a lawn requires a lot of attention and work. Initially, are preparing land to grassland, check the value of the plant soil. If no such layer, or it is a very small one, it creates a fertile soil, for example, with the addition of black sand or clay. Thick vegetation layer shall not be less than 15 cm layer Before making plant produces plowing Smithsonian, it must razravnivaetsya, makes fertilizer, and then perepahivaetsya. Ideally this process made in the fall, but can and spring. If planting seeds scheduled spring, after handling ground subsidence leave for 2 to 4 weeks.
Lawns zasevayut spring (during planting of spring crops), early spring, late fall and less at the end of October, so that shoots appeared in early spring. Given Field crop seed rules krupnosemyannyh seeding grasses range from 40 to 50 g per 1 sq. m. srednesemyannyh-20 - 30 g per 1 sq. m. melkosemyannyh-5 - 10 g per 1 m2. After the selection range grasses define the lawn area and count the number of seeds. Then choose assortment flowering plants (for the Mauritanian lawn). Wintergreens of ammonoids lawns planted at the same distance, it is recommended that when they landed on the lawn. Before planting grass lawn area mark to strip width of 1.5 to 2 m in two mutually directions. For more equitable distribution of seeds in the seed produced no wind. On curb lawn grass sowing more densely. After planting the seeds stop up hand rake to a depth of 0.5 to 1 cm and a prikatyvanie or to ram. Summer better seed neem seeds. In dry weather it is necessary irrigate crops 1 to 2 times a day. Following reduce crop irrigation.