Friday, May 18, 2007


This group of plants possesses graceful decorative leaves. It is one of the most ancient groups of plants of our planet in whom it is totaled more than 10000 kinds, however from this group in culture it is entered no more than 200.

Ferns have adapted to the diversified conditions of dwelling, and meet everywhere, sometimes even settle on walls of houses. But the greatest distribution ferns
have received in conditions of damp tropical woods, there they grow not only on a surface of ground, but also as Elifits - on trunks and branches of trees. From these places there is a set ferns, suitable for cultivation in room conditions. A variety of places of their dwelling has led in turn to to variety of forms: from tiny plants up to treelike giants up to 25 meters. The majority room ferns - grassy plants with well advanced rhizome. The rhizome can be short, vertical, but it is more often horizontal, creeping. Numerous additional roots depart from a rhizome in ground, and from his top - beautiful, large, more often pinnately-divided leaves. The young, not developed{unwrapped} leaves, are curtailed as a snail that is typical of all ferns. On the bottom party of leaves sporangiums with disputes develop. The form of sporangiums and their arrangement is the important regular attributes on which differ delivery and kinds ferns.

Experts subdivide ferns into three temperature groups under the winter maintenance: cold, moderately warm and warm. Provided that you will manage to support temperature in a room in limits from +16 up to +25ะก without sharp fluctuations, you can raise with success the majority to ferns. For them are pernicious both drafts, and hot air of a central heating. Ferns - moistureloving and enduring plants. Spraying and damp air are necessary for them regular having watered. Water for enamel should be very soft, with the minimal maintenance{contents} to exhaust. Water water is recommended to be asserted not less than day or to use for enamel pure{clean} thawed or rain water. It is inadmissible neither overbaking, nor wetting earthen coma, it entails destruction of a plant. Having watered strengthen during intensive growth and reduce with a stop of growth.

Ferns in the best way grow on absent-minded light. Direct solar beams cause grow brown and dying off of leaves. Do not transfer stuffy air, a smoke and a dust. Successful wintering to the ferns needs the most light and rather cool place. I replace ferns in the spring after plants will start to get under way in growth. As a rule, for planting to the ferns it is necessary to choose wide, but superficial capacities. The earthen mix is made of equal parts of the turfen, sheet, peat ground and sand. In this mix add fine shards charcoal and the crushed coniferous bark. At change measure roots delete, and alive whenever possible do not damage, as they grow very slowly. After change a plant water and spray warm water. The some people are made multiple copies ferns disputes, division of a bush, and, for example, offsprings. The original beauty and grace frens, their comparative unpretentiousness allow to use widely these plants for gardening feebly premises. Individual large copies are very effective in baskets or flowerpots. Leaves are steady in flood and are used for registration of baskets, bouquets and flower compositions.