Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sex invented plants!

It is no secret that the world is driven by sexual energy. And not only in persons, in accordance with the theory of Sigmund Freud, and a whole world of life on Earth. However, all is back, including the history of sex in the world. In the light of recent research found : sex invented plants. Previously, it was thought that sex is exclusively the prerogative of homo sapiens. Of course, the "love school" in the world of plants is not. But flowers, the wonderful creation of nature, dealing with the replacement of at least subtly and with feelings than people. Virtually everyone in a purely human elements sexual relationship in plant world is a match. Moreover, the science of love Rights trained the plants. In the first stage of sexual relationships is the search for a partner. In the animal world to be used brilliant thick fur, feathers team, love dance, and more. But in the case of plants is not possible to move to even come close to each other. No they and sensory organs, to perceive partner, and to assess its efforts look as well as possible, there is not even a brain that is capable of producing such a wish. However, all necessary for workers to plant flowers. Their soft and fine piece surround genitals : beans, which are pollen-microscopic embryos life, and pestle are away from that grain pollen germinates and establishes a bears fruit buttons. Thus, flowers play a critical role in the sexual life of plants. Ironically, as we have seen, is that direct the plants themselves unable to enjoy each other. But charm their subtle flavors is not aimed at members of their species, and specifically grown and trained creatures : pollinators. Prior to the emergence of color sexual energy living organisms Earth was hopelessly blocked, but not yet a suitable solution. There was even division of the sexes. Settlers our planet-dissolved salts and other celled-sex was simply not needed. Their not everything, exist in the world's oceans and seas did not require emotion. When coming to reproduction, little divided. However, the powerful sublimates beginnings with life Yeah world never to be effective. The simple distinction is not real life : no change and the pursuit of excellence, both inside and outside themselves. The next stage in the evolution of sexual plant has been a primary hvoshchei and ferns. They tons produced in their greenhouse pollen, which then erwin and classing wind. Huge clouds, to burying over ancient forests, we have only to a tiny proportion of forming their it into places where required : the female genitals-stigma located on the grounds of leaves. Particularly attractive these stigma has been a difficult, as well as the whole plant. However, the credit of ancient plants that have been established flower - is a miracle of beauty, equal to the cold sun did not exist.