Sunday, April 15, 2007

Greening balconies

Greening balconies is the easiest way to decorate your home. Sermon greens and flowers framed windows and elegant balconies are in contrast with the walls and decorate the building. Gusta razrosshiesya plants on the balcony were not only dress, but also weaken the street noise, partially absorbing sound ochischayu air of soot and dust, and warm day will dim sunlight. The beauty of indoor plants made in the summer on the balcony.

During the warm days of summer, it makes a big bright copies, and with the advent of cold weather moving back into the room. In doing so, the plants need fresh air, the warm wind and sunlight. Building the plants in boxes can be converted to a balcony green gazebo, and in front of each window to create miniature flower-garden. Balcony boxes produced from a variety of materials : wood, plastic, metal, the choice is yours, more importantly, they must be sufficiently large. Recommended size : thickness of 1.5 to 2 cm, height of 15 - 20 cm, width of not less than 20 cm. Choosing, remember that in small boxes less than 1 m of land in the open air dries quickly. Flower boxes can be manufactured by them dry spruce or pine boards. When skolachivanii box for the greater strength of its internal angles are rack-section 4? 4 cm below the bottom pribivayut the same two cross-sectional profiles. For the runoff of excess water in the bottom of the box doing orifice 1 cm every 15 cm boxes are more complex designs : with a spare reservoir water to the soil is peresyhala, as well as pallets for the drainage of water. Bracket flower boxes must be carried out firmly and securely. The most lasting fixation by means of special metal brackets.

They can be used if the window opened outwards, as well as a box, in this case, is mounted below naruzhno sill. If the window opens inside a box in the plants can be installed directly in front parsley. The box without necessarily securely fastened to podokonniku, such as metal straps. To box stood horizontally under him have simply been served by hay wooden beams. The balconies with metal bars on the windows boxes can be installed on the inside of the fence, on the floor of the balcony, such as flower stand. High plants placed in the boxes, standing on the floor, against a wall, where more natural protection against damage. If you have enough space on the balcony, you can build a sort of rack of containers, putting it on walls throughout the altitude. According to your choice can be rack of polochek or decorative yaschikov-konteynerov. The containers can be placed bought floral seedlings or young gorshochki with indoor plants. In addition, this structure not only saves place, it can easily change your desire gorshochki with flowers. Sermon look at the balconies sit in special punnets or ceramic flower pot plants. Their attachment can be used with special brackets podstavkami for flower pots or boat. When growing in the boxes climbing plants for them establish special support in the form of sending cords, grills, arches, etc. that make the necessary direction vyuschimsya escape and pose conceived form greening. The galleries vertical greening usually forms the backdrop for the flower design, selection and the range of colours. Using examples in your flower box on the balcony we could make a miniature garden, dropped several plant species. The outer edge of the box can plant pot plants to their svisayuschie stalks decorated the box. Inside the box, any low-planted plants, it can be pot plants or letniki. And with the inside edge of the box balkonnogo can plant any tropical plants (for example, color) that can pritemnit balcony. The good development plant is healthy, nutrient-rich soil. The most suitable fresh ryhlaya Ground mixture with the addition of sand. Sometimes adding razmelchenny peat, especially if boxes are located on the solar side. Peat lap up a surplus moisture, keeps its non zakisaya not zagnivaya. The box evenly filled land so that the surface soil was lower edges of a box of 1 - 2 cm Tightly utrambovyvat land should not be, sludge land is shaking the box when filling.

The balconies boxes soil has been depleted, so plants already after 2 to 3 weeks after planting should be regularly supplies (every 10 to 14 days), complex fertilizers, but each spring the land in boxes need to update. The winter plants from boxes harvested, the land vzryhlyaetsya and, as such, remains in the winter months. In the spring of the upper layer is removed and replaced with fresh. Since the plants in boxes usually planted very close to make fertilizer in rossyp not recommended. The most convenient form of nutrients to the balconies of flowers, liquid and long-acting chops. Special care plants should be treated in the period of bloom, in the period they need the nutrition content of phosphorus.