Thursday, April 19, 2007


Most palms are from tropical countries. Many of the well-developed in the rooms, while respecting the rules of care. For them to be bright, but protected from direct sunlight. Trees grow from seeds. For softening skin seeds plucked water 45-50oS. Plant to a depth of 1 cm pot filled with a mixture of sand and sawdust, or a mixture of sand with a light sheet of land with the addition of gyro Moss. At the bottom of trees just rolled drain layer, which adds tolcheny charcoal. Time germination depends on the type and can last from a few days to several months. For example, the seeds of palm trees, which gives 30 to 50 days, coconut-150-180 days. Sprouts seeds transplant in nourishing soil, which should be the sheet and peregnoynoy land with the addition of sand. For older plants to the mixture add more heavy dernovuyu land. Drainage layer made of pieces of coarse sand and gravel, with pieces of charcoal. Cotyledons not terminate and leave seyantsah, as they will continue to be supplied by the plant. Jars with seedling kept warm place to land spots. In winter, heat palm contain at a temperature of 14-16oS, with the remaining 8-10oS. The best temperature for the growth of 16-18oS, at higher temperatures the air in the room becomes land, and there is a drying leaf tips palm leaf crop, but should not be. In order to prevent this phenomenon, in addition to maintaining a moderate temperature, it is recommended that frequent be wipe and spraying the leaves with water. Old to support leaves removed only after stem dieback. Palm did not pass wind and cold air from windows. Apart a top warm water until you see it in the pan. Stood water was poured from the pan.

To grave extract (1:10), 3 to 4 times over the summer with mortar or mineral fertilizers. Jars or tubs to grow palms must be high and deep as the roots of palm trees grow long and deep. Some palms main roots greatly raised from the ground. To prevent them from drying out in the pot, it can be a small layer of moss, which muffle grown roots. Landing makes dense, in adults palm trees in unused land should be rolled. The trans-Palm great care must be taken not to damage the roots. The roots trimmed healthy place. Palm through endurance and high decoration widespread in the food crop. Sometimes blow, but leaves more dekorativny. Trees with their delicate leaves ideally suited for growing in large pots or salt on the floor of the spacious rooms, greenhouses, winter gardens. The residential rooms to keep the young trees, and will be better suited plants grown from seed in the indoor plants.