Saturday, April 21, 2007

Decorative broadleaved and decorative - flowering plants. Chapter 1

Decorative broadleaved plants are an integral part of the interior. Typically, Springtide small or ornamental flowers. Crops due to its beautiful leaf color and unusual forms. Decorative broadleaved plant is the largest group of home gardening is considered to be the most valuable for the cultivation of the rooms. Some plants are berries and fruits. Plants blooming at different times of the year, some year-round. The bloom of each type varies from a few days to several months. Among the many flowering plants are annual, wilted after the first bloom. Tsiperus leaves rounds (sem. osokovyh) is a perennial herbaceous plant кoses height up to 120 cm stems breakdown trehgrannye or circular, naked. Leaves collected at the end of the stem and remind revelation umbrella, sit, Linear, up to 30 cm to stimulate growth yellow ears stalks are encouraged to remove. Unpretentious to growing conditions : temperature in winter may not fall below 12oS. Should avoid direct sunlight, occasionally spraying. Sustained once a month during the spring and summer. Bobcats division bush transplants. Well grows in the soil of a mixture of soft earth, bees land Perennial, peat and sand (2:1:1:1:1). They are ready for floor greening.

Tsiperus leaves rounds

Hlorofitum cristate-reactions listvennoe room plant grows to light and shade, dry air moves. Has prikornevye leaves with a white stripe in between. As a result, malnutrition or dry air ends of the leaves are brown. Of letting go tsvetonosy leaves of up to 20 cm and bear the entire length of several kistevidnyh cauliflowers, consisting of 2-6 white flowers. After ottsveteniya at tsvetonosah formed subsidiaries plants to plant seeds. Used in vertical greening.

Hlorofitum cristate