Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stony gardens and rock garden part 2

Prost and attractive in a so-called flat rock. This rock is a little pit trees, posted pretty neat stones. Originally will look somewhat similar in form of arbitrary shape beds located on different levels. Plant trees in various alpine culture. Flat rock is low, but very decorative.

To get gardens or rocky alpine Forty-use high svetolyubivye perennials. They fall into alpine meadows plants, poluskalnye plants and rocky highland plant.

The highest and beautiful meadows, alpine plants. They require soil from peregnoya, books and sheets, land and coarse sand (1:1:1). These include: alpine forget-me-not, ever stand, orchids spring, Pion tonkolisty, Primrose spring and mild.

Poluskalnye alpine plants is less demanding to soil composition. Substrates for them are a mixture of leaf and distributed land impurities sand with small gravel (1:1:1). This group includes: Clove peristaya, sinegolovnik, Phlox grassy, BELL Carpathian etc.

Poor and small alpine plants netrebovatelny and their normal growth cook mixture of coarse sand with fine gravel and land navigation (2:1). This group includes: Veronica gorechavkovidnaya, rezuha alpine, Sedum Eversa, immature creeping, Primrose bessebelnaya, yaskolka silver.

Stony gardens and alpinarii: Barvinok

In lieu of grass (cereals) grass can grow several cabinet to the soil, svetolyubivyh pochvopokrovnyh plants: alpine arabis, Sedum off and Sedum Eversa, yaskolku silver and black, cloves travyanku, gipsofilu creeping, ever teas, creating decorative wall coating plant type . For the shadow of the wet suit creeping thyme, pechenochnitsa noble, Madagascar small, loosestrife monetchaty, saxifrage shadow, Maianthemum Kamchatkan. Such prizemistye plants (10-25 cm) to a growing unpretentious. Among pochvopokrovnyh plants are considered especially valuable evergreen plants that retain high dekorativnost from spring to late fall, for example, Madagascar small pahizandra. Later in the fall, when most plants in the garden loses its dekorativnost, lawns from pochvopokrovnyh plants continue to enjoy the eye.

Vinca is a unique small pochvopokrovnoe plants quickly razrastayuscheesya, unpretentious, forming flat green cover, ornamental throughout the year. Different high dekorativnostyu during flowering plants such as Phlox subulate and grassy, yaskolka silver, sedumy. In the shadow of dry ground grows well saxifrage shadow. Yaskolka silver is very good for a silver lawn on sunny rocky sections.

Rocky garden or alpine hump, artificially created structure, displaying the beauty of a mountain landscape with the alpine flora. They should be set in a beautiful blend of stones and plant-Letnikov, perennials, shrubs.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Stony gardens and rock garden

Rokary small rocky area, where naturally dispersed stone ornamental trees. This is an interesting admission flower design parks, gardens, parks sites. Particularly successful they may be in places with rough terrain and bugristym territory. Depending on the shade or sun of a rocky natural sites of solntselyubivyh (Sedum, Phlox subulate, primuly, irises) or shade (watershed, фиопогон, Vinca) plant.

Rock-rocky Sadiq from the collection of alpine flora, which is situated on rocky slopes. Regular and irregular alpinarii have in the south-eastern, southern and south-western slopes where more sun. With such exposure color obilnee plants. For alpinariya construction on the northern slope of using tolerant and more resistant plants.

When the device rocky garden give any specific recommendations difficult. Because of its appearance depends entirely on the arts and artistic presentation creator. It should be emphasized grace stones and plants, coupled with the surrounding landscape. The main condition for a rocky garden-free, natural placement of stones. Against the backdrop of green lawn place 1 - 2 stone, put them around a small coniferous plants with a crown dwarf forms (sabina juniper or pine mountain) or pyramidal (sea, juniper ordinary), free bus beside them several pochvopokrovnyh or ornamentals. Planting in small groups or soliterami amidst rubble against a backdrop of stones they look impressive. Try to locate all the elements and your most naturally and unobtrusively. You can arrange garden as stony terraces, filling crevices between the rocks and plant breeding substrate there alpine plants with pochvopokrovnymi. Looks like the garden is very close to the water. Boulders placed heavy ground to the ground.

Stony gardens and rock garden

Arrange rock (Alpine hump) must be that it does not poluchilas very high and massive and not be a random bunching stones. Soil getting better level irregularly shaped, ranked stones at their edges. Alpine hump well get down to a natural terrain or water. For planting in rock types picked subalpine and alpine vegetation contrasting colour, form, invoice leaf with different bloom periods.

Rock construct in the autumn as well as spring ends sludge soil. Choosing a day when the soil is dry, srezhte Grass, carefully select from the ground roots of the multi weeds. In a alpinariya installed drainage layer of brick bat or gravel layer of 10 cm at schebenistoe drained ground nasypayut hill good breeding protocol land impurities peat, coarse sand and some small stones. In some sectors can create a special soil, in accordance with the characteristics of individual plants. After this hill land hot stones of various sizes and shapes, one or more, but similar mineralogical composition of rocks. For devices alpine slides can be used KK, sand, unemployment, shale, granites and basalt. Two recent rock advantage different from the rest of high strength, and the hump of these stones will be more durable. In the spring are beginning to plant trees. In the intervals between the stones add planting mix. The soil must be valid in a few weeks, then add a little mixture and lightly Condense.

In alpinariyah decorative values allowed wide species of plants to create the largest decorative effect. But they picked range in size alpinariya. After transplantation of plants in their permanent place of the soil around plants and slightly seal polivayut then mulchiruyut crushed stone or gravel. Remember time removed from alpinariya weeds. In addition, each spring mulch to the soil surface. Alpine plants do not need frequent podkormki occasionally plants podkarmlivayut weak fertilizer solution. Despite sufficient stamina and zimostoykost most of the highland plant in alpinarii requires partial or complete protection of certain plants for the winter.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ponds and lakes for you plants! Chapter 2

For your water plants can use water from ponds and lakes, but should not afforest their very densely, it is necessary to keep at least a small water table. Floating plants are divided into neukorenyayuschiesya on land freely floating on the water and ukorenyayuschiesya it with long stems and floating on the water surface leaves and flowers. For decorative design shallow water suited: vodokras froggy, Hévíz yellow (for water depths of 30-90 cm), rdest floating (for water depth of 0.5 to 2 m), white waterlily (depth can be from 75 to 100 cm), gases trehlistnaya, Highlander amphibian.

For planting aquatic plants at the bottom of the reservoir put rocks so there were veins, which can be specially prepared to pour in the ground. The soil for planting aquatic plants produce torfolistovoy mixture of sand and large (1:1). Top land nasypayut sand and plant trees between the stones, the top prisypaya small pebbles.

Much easier and more convenient to plant plants in containers that set in a specially made bed or improve education and strengthen their pebbles. This allows at any time to remove the plants, clean water. With the advent of cold water to be tried or exhaust, thermophilic plants moved into the room and plants, wintering in the wild, close lapnika layer or opavshey leaf (20 - 30 cm).

Next to the water plant irises, Forget. In reaction to the coast can put your favorite flowers. By the reservoir can to help into fast-growing trees such as the Babylonian Yves, Manchurian nuts, whose deep roots will podtyagivat water to the site, and many of its evaporation, air massage.

Keep water in the reservoir, remove the dirt from the surface and bottom water. Do not forget to follow the order in the water adjacent to the Lake area, uhazhivayte for plants remove ottsvetshie buds and yellowed grass and then the pond will always look clean and tidy and enjoy yourself. If necessary, change the water in the reservoir during its flowering. In the spring of empty or half the reservoir, remove fallen leaves and dirt, and Turquoise fresh water. Concrete pools after winter may require repairs because at the bottom they have cracks and water may leave.

More sophisticated devices and equipment with water mood, the waterfalls which operates on the principle of a vicious circle of water. In such cases, use small electric pumps. Bizarre coverage would create a magnificent scenery in the summer night. Beautiful garden ornaments can be colored lighting, burning only at night. The resulting afternoon sunlight charges small batteries located directly inside. And with nightfall they are lit in soft light. In shopping for designers to get a special artificial pebbles, which absorbs light during the day, and it emits a dark time. You can decorate a track or obramlenie stone reservoir.

Bizarre coverage would create a magnificent scenery in the summer night. Beautiful garden ornaments can be colored lighting, burning only at night. The resulting afternoon sunlight charges small batteries located directly inside. And with nightfall they are lit in soft light. In shopping for designers to get a special artificial pebbles, which absorbs light during the day, and it emits a dark time. You can decorate a track or obramlenie stone reservoir.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Artificial pond. Chapter 1

A large recovery in the landscape of the home, garden or park are artificial reservoirs of busch gardens various sizes, Bank of zasazhivayut op decorative plants, not only internally with the surrounding landscape, but with the pool. Decorative water than decoration on the farm was a special microclimate and the same can use well water to progretuyu poliva.

The size of the designed water directly depend on the size of your site and your ability. For example, a station in the 10 - 15 plot is enough water to the surface water to 5 m2. But the easiest decorative pond of 1 m in diameter and greater depth of 20-50 cm can be done anywhere in the station itself and not use expensive materials.

There are several ways to create artificial reservoirs. The easiest way is to use ready-Cast plastic forms. The shape and size can be varied, but the most common form-round. Mirror surface water from the natural outline most harmoniously fit into the green gardens. Specialty stores have a wide range of options available to build water tanks. You have to be determined and its location on the station. Another way is to use a special soft material to the inner surface of the seabed or Concrete. These two options are used to build water reservoirs, created its own draft. Concrete pools after winter usually require repairs because at the bottom they are cracked, and water can leave.

If allowed size of the field, you can obustroit "natural" with a decorative pond fish. Water can be decorated with beautiful garden air bridge, and under dense green sets rocky shore of the reservoir to locate benches. Soothing water from sunrise fontanchika or rotating wooden wheel not only enrich the water of oxygen, but the whole family will gather for recreation in nature. Creating a pond in a style very labour. Of course, first pond liners and foremost, to the pond, which contains fish, a biological or mechanical Filtering System. Technical design of the reservoir, it zarybnenie, a waterworks most challenging olive garden and complex part of the savage project. Choose a place for a water garden, and it will help you build a landscape designer. If you want to make a small pond own hands, the find in the market is necessary to implement your ideas today is not any work.

Artificial pond
Keep water in advance the idea of the garden and then to translate ideas. Penumbra is the most opportune place for water. When the reservoir location in the shadow there will be little water vapour. Without the sun algae growing much slower and longer than spring water, the water will neprotochnaya longer remain fresh. Most aquatic plants svetolyubivy, but you can find, and those who make shading. It should not be acceptable to water under the crown of trees, as water will fall fallen leaves and various crop residues. They will forgive pond, in this case, would require the installation of devices to purify water from floating debris. The trees will provide shade that prevent the growth and flowering water plants, and their roots may damage the bottom of the reservoir. To create a reservoir subject to appropriate care can choose station, sunlit fountains. Especially hilton garden inn in the hot time for the protection of flowering water will be needed ultraviolet filter.